GIS Habitat modelling of Bufo Calamita on Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve

Abstract (M.Sc. Thesis)

The main objective of this study is to model the habitats of Bufo Calamita in Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve (North-west England) by using GIS habitat modelling techniques. There are various GIS techniques used in this study viz. Multi-Criteria-Evaluation (MCE) analysis, Neighbourhood analysis, Overlay analysis and 3D views of the models. The results derived from the Neighbourhood analysis is the most effective and has greater potential from management perspective. The neighbourhood analysis results were overlaid with the assigned values of the land cover class in the Overlay analysis to obtain the sites suitable for restoration/preservation. The 3D views of the models were used to give a clear scenario of the models in a 3 dimensional form. The study revealed that GIS techniques are efficient in creating a predictive model of the Bufo Calamita's habitat in Ainsdale Sand Dunes. The habitat modelling of Bufo Calamita is a daunting task as there are several factors/variables to consider that affects their habitat. Moreover, habitat suitability for Bufo Calamita differ between seasons. The evaluation of the model was done by preparing a set of questionnaires to the experts from Ainsdale Sand Dunes regarding the model‟s efficiency. It was acknowledged that the results obtained from this study have a great practical implications especially in prioritizing the potential sites suitable for restoration and preservation, which is crucial in decision making process from the management perspective. Read entire thesis