Geographically Weighted Regression in Advanced Spatial Analysis and Modeling

The main purpose of this study is to run a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) on the City of Calgary Census Data using Geographical Weighted Regression. The data available for study is the Census Tract data set for the City of Calgary provided in a geodatabase format. The dataset is similar to the first and fifth Assignments. However, the previous assignments involved the calculation of a simple linear regression and spatial regression which outputs global parameter rather than local. Therefore, in this study, the objective is to fit a GWR model to the Census data using "Average Income" as the dependent variable so as to allow local parameter to estimate the model. The "Geographically Weighted Regression 3" software package is used to compute the global weighted regression model. This paper includes many statistical techniques applied to obtain the final model. It also compares the results obtained from the linear regression model and spatial regression model  with the Geographically Weighted Regression model.