Download and Integration of Earth Observing System (EOS) data


The Earth Observing System (EOS) instruments are designed to collect data to provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamic components of the Earth’s atmosphere, land and water surfaces (Campbell 2007). ‘The EOS is one of the primary components of a NASA-initiated concept which includes numerous platforms and sensors, including the Terra and Aqua spacecrafts. There are five sensors included on Terra and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-Radiometer) is one of them. MODIS is a sensor that is intended to provide comprehensive data about land, ocean, and atmospheric processes simultaneously’ (Lillesandet al.2004). In this study,MODIS Terra vegetation indices are used to create a NDVI map for Alberta province in Canada. The main objectives of the study are to become familiar with the variety of remote sensing data sources accessible through the internet; gain experience in accessing, obtaining and integrating data from disparate online sources; enhance knowledge about different file formats and appropriate conversion and re-projection process; and finally to develop cartographic skills to display the appropriate map message.