Geoportal about earthquakes and relief efforts in Nepal

ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development) did an amazing job in creating a geoportal that provides interactive maps, charts, and infographics about the earthquakes and relief efforts in Nepal. ICIMOD was honored with the ESRI Humanitarian Award in ESRI User Conference 2015 for their role in assisting Nepalese government with GIS technology. 

The key features of the geoportal are as followings:
  • interactive maps and charts with facts and figures at national, district and municipality levels
  • facts and figures under different thematic areas such as geohazards, infrastructure, education, landslides, agriculture etc.
  • swipe visualization of high resolution satellite imagery to view before and after earthquake effect
  • story map journals of affected districts providing the status of casualties, damage, and response efforts
  • information on geo-hazards, including field data on landslides with 3D visualization
  • incident reporting for disaster events in near real-time

The geoportal is very responsive and the rendering of the layers is smooth. The graphs are clearly laid out. The home page is a collection of different thematic Map viewers, such as 'Country profile', 'Landslide assessment', 'Geo-hazard', 'Swipe map', 'Incident reporting' etcetera. The Map viewers are extremely user friendly. However, the geoportal would have been better with addition of basic Map viewer tools such as measuring, simple querying, exporting attribute data and printing tools. Having said that, the geoportal reveals how GIS technology can be effectively used for natural disaster management.  

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Web Map

Nepal was struck by a devastating earthquake on 25th April 2015. A major aftershock occurred on 12th May 2015. Here is a web map of earthquake in Nepal that contains layer such as photo log, earthquake incidents, damage assessment and census data symbolized based on total population at municipality and village development committee (VDC) level. You can click on any points and view the attribute information. Click on the arrow on top left to view the legends of the layers. Zoom in and out can be performed by clicking + or - button on the left corner. The home icon takes you to the full extent view. Search of address and places can be performed by using the search box located at the top right. ArcGIS online is used to make this web map. The web map services published on ArcGIS online are added as layers. A lot of customizations have been made on the layers to create this web map. Please note that some locations are not geo-referenced properly.

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Other web maps related to Nepal Earthquake 2015
Nepal Quake Unofficial Crisis Map on Google Map
Nepal Earthquake Google Crisis Map (contains Satellite Imagery of the area)

Processing Landsat 8 images with SAC plugin for QGIS

Here is an excellent video that explains how Landsat 8 images can be downloaded and processed by using SAC (Semi-Automatic Classification) plugin for QGIS. It is an awesome tool that allows users to search through the Landsat database and use filters such as set date, select cloud cover precentage, define area of interest etc. Learn more about SAC plugin for QGIS.